Sunday 12 August 2012

There and back again: not quite a hobbit's tale by Katie Menezes

Well, once again I have been neglecting my duties of informing the good people of England (and elsewhere) what I have been up to. This post will be quite the instalment (feel free not no read all of it as it goes on for aaaagggeesss) as I visited the green green grass of home (I must stop quoting famous things as I am sure I am in breech of a copyright law)! That's right I went to England!!!

It all started when I found out that there was a national holiday lasting three days from the 30th of July to the 1st of August; these days happened to be a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I had two days holiday left. When I looked, if I used my last two holiday days on the Thursday and Friday, these dates coincided with the wedding of my fake big sis, Natalie Robbo (or should I say Mrs McDermot)! So I asked the head of my department (aka my friend San :D) if I could please bend the rules to go home for this week, and being the nice guy he is, he said I could! So the plotting began...

The tickets were booked, but despite my efforts I was unable to get in contact with my Fairy Godmother (aka Aunty Linda, who is also the bride's mother!). In the end I was able to get her e-mail address, and to be sure no prying eyes could see the contents of the e-mail, I entitled it 'TOP SECRET: FOR FAIRY GODMOTHER'S EYES ONLY'. Throughout the whole process of the surprise I had the magic dust of my FGM to help me along. She helped me squeeze my way on to the same table as my Mum at the wedding, informed me that Mum had booked a trip to London the weekend of my arrival (that's right!) and also kept the secret up until the last moment when she had to tell Uncle Derek, as quite rightly she said 'if anyone is going to notice the numbers are out for the wedding, it's an accountant'!

And so the journey begins...
I was lucky enough to have a travel partner for the first stage of my journey; me and my co-worker, Devon, were both travelling home at the same time and so we shared a taxi at half 6 on Saturday morning. I was glad to have him there as the ticket officer said that the bus that we were planning on taking us to Seoul Airport was fully book for the whole day -PANIC! Luckily, Devon was calm and apparently on the outside so was I. We went across to the train station opposite and got a train to Seoul and then took the airport rail-road to the airport itself. We actually got there at a better time and we were able to grab some lunch together. So I then had around a 5 hour to China where I then had a 15 (yes, you read right, 15) hour layover! Previously, when I booked my ticket the company I booked through rang me and asked me to Google if I needed a Visa or not (it turned out I did not)! I had met a lovely girl two days before travelling and found out by coincidence we were going to be in the same airport at the same time, so we arranged to meet at the golden arches (McDonald's)in the airport when my plane got in !!! Anyway I get to China and get told to stay in the tiny cordoned off are (again- PANIC). All of a sudden, all the memories of reading about horror stories where in this same airport people had been put in a tiny room for 10 hours!!! So I asked the lady if I was only allowed in the tiny are she had placed me in, and she replied "No, just wait here for your hotel"...? I hadn't booked a hotel, but I was then informed that they had booked me into one free of charge without telling me! So my plans with my new friend weren't going to happen, but I was relieved at the thought of a bed and a shower. Due to the strict VISA rules I assumed that the hotel would be in the airport, but after an alarming five minutes when someone had taken my boarding pass away, I was on a bus travelling 30 minutes away from the airport, boarding pass in hand. I had made friends with some lovely people and when we had found our rooms we all ventured out into the streets of China to find some food. One girl had to do a quick (and might I say mighty shady) money exchange deal with the doorman, who stepped outside to do it, which makes me think that it wasn't totally above board. After nearly dying from motorbikes and cars, having a lovely meal in a little shack (that to this day I have no idea what it was), seeing the streets of China littered with plastic, and lastly having a lovely chat with one of the girls I met, I went to bed. The 11 hour flight to Heathrow was as you would expect (apart from accidentally cuddling up to an old Korean man in my sleep) and then I was in London, nearly skipping through customs where I got a lovely 'welcome home' from the man. I was beaming just to see Western people en mass (which of course I wasn't used to and through force of habit was smiling at everyone Western as I do when I'm in Daegu), understanding what people were saying and so excited to see familiar faces. I got a train to Paddington, a free ride on the tube (courtesy of a stranger - thank you, whoever you are) and then I caught an earlier train to Darlington as I had allowed two extra hours for the Olympics and wasn't hindered by them at all . One problem, I had no way of telling Aunty Linda I had got an earlier train as for some stranger reason they have removed all the pay phones in Kings Cross! I was able to get in touch with Aunty Linda though, thanks to a lovely Ukrainian woman I sat next to on the train -thank you to you!!!My long journey took me two whole days all in all, and ended in a slow-motion run and hug to my lovely Fairy Godmother!

The surprises....
The initial plan was to surprise the Robbo clan the next day on the Monday, after picking my Mum up from the station on her return from her London weekend, at a little tea party. I was going to hide upstairs and then Natalie and Jimmy  were going to come up on the pretence of collecting a rather large present (as Aunty Linda said, 'they will go up and Katie will reveal herself'! Haha not literally of course). However, due to my early arrival the bride to be was at Aunty Linda's house, and so I waited outside around the corner for two minutes as instructed while Aunty Linda went in (it was the longest two minutes ever!). I walked up to the house, relieved to see that the blinds had been closed so they wouldn't see me, and I went in. Natalie had heard the door and called 'hiya', thinking it was Stu (her brother). Not wanting Nat to hear my voice, Aunty Linda replied 'hiya' (leaving Natalie quite perplexed). I walked casually round the corner and just said 'hiya' and quite casually Natalie replied 'hiya', immediately followed by a sharp intake of breath and then hugs and tears ensued! It was about ten minutes before I got to say hi to Uncle Derek. The whole journey was totally worth it just for those few seconds alone! Natalie later remarked that the biggest shock was that Uncle Derek had got out of his chair to close the blinds!

Next on the list was Aunty Evelyn: the same set up and the exact same result- like Grandmother, like Granddaughter!

The next one was Mum!!!!! I was so excited. Aunty Linda was due to pick Mum up from Darlington station at 4:00 pm, so after we went shopping for my wedding outfit, we headed over. Those who have been to Darlington station will know that when you get off a train from London, you have to walk along a long railing round to a ticket barrier and then back along the opposite way on the other side of the railing. So, when Mum got off the train, Aunty Linda was stood waving to Mum at the railing and I sat a bit further away, looking the opposite direction. Then as Mum was walking around the railing, me and Aunty Linda went as close to the ticket barrier as possible, with me concealed behind a pillar and Aunty Linda stood next to the pillar. Now, in typical Aunty Linda spy-style (aka secret squirrel), she gets her phone out and pretends she is reading a text message, when really she is updating me after casual glances like so 'I am going to setp to the left and then you step out in ...10 seconds...5 seconds...hi Julie'! I stepped out but I had a piece of paper over my face saying 'FORDY' (idea courtesy of Uncle Derek), Mum started giggling saying 'ee Fordy', believing if anyone was going to be with Aunty Linda it would Natalie. Gently prompted by Aunty Linda's 'who do you think it is?', Mum observed a bit more closely. This, I have been told was her thought process -the hair wasn't Natalie's, the person wasn't the same frame as Natalie... I knew it was you but thought it couldn't have been because you're in South Korea...' it Katie?' As she wan't coming closer I pulled the paper down and there was more crying (yes that's right, Fordy cried!) and hugs!

The original idea of the tea party happened, beginning with Stu being told to get Mum's bag out of the back seat only to find me there, and Mum saying 'don't call my daughter a bag'! After the lovely tea party with some amazing wedding cupcakes made by the mother of the bride, we were drove home and coincidently drove passed Shell and Chessy (my Mum's cousin and her daughter). The look of confusion, the pointed finger and the glancing back and forth between the two, had told me that they had spotted us too. So a U-turn was in order and Shell exclaimed 'what are you doing here?', also quickly followed by the worry that I may have been sent home involuntarily!

Special cupcakes :)

Here is where the timing gets a little fuzzy due to my bad memory but I will start with Sarah (big sis)...
Mum goes in first and everyone is whispering because the kids are in bed. Mum is whispering repeatedly 'don't close the door' and Sarah confusedly whispering back 'What?What?'.  When I walk through the front door Sarah looks gob-smacked and can only manage to extend a finger to point at me and then froze. To which I shook to snap her out of it and then I was pulled into the living room where we both bounced around in suppressed excitement!

I got Mum to write (so she wouldn't recognise the handwriting)a note I dictated which had her name on the front and the following message inside:

'Elicia, be ready for 10 am for a big surprise. If you are unable to do this put it as you facebook status'

I went round and skirted the drive so they wouldn't see me post the note, and then I legged it!!! I got the go-ahead via facebook.

The next day I then walk round to her house and just ring the doorbell- hugs and tears, to which I said 'if people are going to keep crying at me, I won't come home'!

Aunty Annette and Ashley:
We needed to make sure there was enough room in the car home from the wedding. Mum knocks on Aunty Annette's door and I am hid round the side of the porch. Mum says quite casually, 'I just popped over to ask a favour. Do you think we can fit one more in the car home from the wedding; I've got a guest'. To which the response was, 'Is it Chris?' (I think I had better step out before hopes get too raised haha). I got welcomed in and Ashley comes down from drying her hair and does a few back steps when she sees me.

Elicia deserves a pat on the back for the part she played. Andrew text that he had just parked he car and was on his way to meet her in Starbucks. So she went in and got her drink and sat down first so he had to have his back toward the window and door. I hid in a shop across from the coffee shop and saw him walk in.  I waited an appropriate amount of time for him to get his drink and sit down. Then when I walked in Elicia said to him in typical Elicia style 'Oh my God look at this girl, she looks a state!', so doing is 'casual face' Andrew glances around looks at me (I am told with the thought that 'Oh that girl looks like Katie') and then continued to look for the girl who looked a state. I though at least he didn't look at me and think 'You're right she does look a state'. On re-evaluating the girl he had glanced at he though 'no, that looked too much like Katie' and I was able to see the slow progression of his jaw going from its right place to the floor!

I was also able to surprise friends from work, friends I hadn't seen in some time, my Nan, and great Aunt and Uncle, and of course my lovely niece and nephew, and it was just amazing. Thanks to all the people who took the time to see me and also a big apology to those I didn't get to see. The week went so quick and I would have loved to have seen everyone but there just wan't time, but I hope to have a good reunion when I am back for good (as Take That would say)!

The Wedding:

So the wedding was at Wynyard Hall; I had never been there before and I have to say it was absolutely gorgeous! So me and Mum got there and of course had to check out the bathrooms (I don't know why I have this urge to see how fancy the toilets are in nice places), and then proceeded into the bar and saw many a friendly and familiar face, and everyone looked great! We all then went out and saw the mother of the bride and the bridesmaid arrive in this amazing car:

Next  we walked over to the chapel which was lovely and waited for the beautiful bride to make her appearance. Meanwhile, Jimmy looked very calm and cool; not in the least bit nervous. Then the moment came, the doors were opened and a very proud Uncle Derek walking his daughter down the isle: 

Just after the ceremony

The ceremony was just lovely and when the vows came, everyone could tell that they both meant every word. There was a special dedication to Jimmy's late father, where a beautiful candle was lit for him. After the ceremony the official photographs were taken by a very entertaining photographer and then we took some of our own, not so official pics:

We went out into the beautiful grounds of Wynyard for a glass of Pimms (oh ya darling) and some more natural shots were taken by the photographer.  

The lovely Mr and Mrs McDermot
Me and my Mum

Then came the meal which I was over the moon with as it was a roast beef dinner with vegetables, gravy and ...a Yorkshire pudding!!!!! The starter was a lovely leek and potato soup and the desert was a creamy cheesecake, and of course the drinks just kept on coming. The favours at the table were some delicious fudge. Then came the speeches: first up Uncle Derek's speech that was heart-warming and of course hilarious. Uncle Derek had also prepared some special gifts including, a Natalie and James jigsaw, mugs, autographed merchandise and personalised newspapers, one of which claimed Natalie had snubbed Johnny Depp (it just means less competition for me ). Then an emotional speech from Jimmy, who was helped through  by his beautiful new wife. Lastly was the best man's (Jimmy's brother) speech, where he was true to his word and was kind to his little brother, and didn't embarrass him. Then the cutting of the cake, which was skilfully crafted by Aunty Evelyn (and she was quite rightly complimented continuously on her wonderful masterpiece):
What a wonderful job!

The cutting of the cake.
 In between the day and the night dos, we investigated Aunty Linda's room that she was staying in. It was fabulous! It was huge and had a special magic mirror that made everyone drop a dress-size! Then the night celebrations began. The first dance opened the dance floor:

The first dance to the Cardigans
Then all the couples we invited to join the dance floor:
The bride and groom, mother and father of the bride, the brother of the bride and his girlfriend
The party went on into the night and I had a great time and even got a picture with the lovely bride: 

I got to see Taff and Tamla at the reception, who were to be wed only a week later. We all had a good dance together (although Taff was devastated the DJ cut away from the Grease mega-mix, which I think is a DJ first!) to classics like The Conga, The Shoop Shoop Song and Let's Twist Again. My brilliant brother, Chris, couldn't be there as he is in Qatar, however for a moment I thought that he was able to make it as his friend Kirtley was at the reception doing a great impression of him:

 A great time was had by all, and I am so happy I got back for their special day. Congratulations Mr and Mrs McDermot!