Tuesday 27 March 2012

Hello Kitty Cafe!

Yes, that's right there is a full on Hello Kitty Cafe:

I don't think you can see but the waffle is also Hello Kitty shaped

Other shenanigans of the past few weeks!

Ok so these are a few things I forgot to mention at the time but now I thought I would post them. They are in no particular order, so apologies for the randomness of this post.

So me and some of my friends went on a walk down the river one weekend:

In the words of one person present at the time : 'WILDLIFE!'

Oh so in South Korea they randomly have exercising areas just there for people to use. I have been told in retirement the old people just gather at these outdoor gyms and just work out all day! So we made the most of the equipment available!

  Then of course a traditional park:

On the night we went to this cool bar that only serves beer in these massive glasses!
  At the tables there are individual fridges for your beer:

 I ordered the second smallest beer called 'love'! Who knew you could order love at a bar!

 This is just a random performance in the middles of the street:

This is apparently a birthday cake that they would make when they are in the army, made out of choco-pies. Here it is obligatory for the men to serve two years in the army. They can opt out but have to serve longer as a civil servant, but then they are frowned upon and a little bit outcast.

 One weekend we had a good old fashioned  sleepover with girly movies, online quizzes, nail painting and of course an epic pizza:

  And what is a sleepover without finishing it off with face-masks:

Another random bit of information for you: Koreans sing Auld Lang Syne but for graduation not new year. I actually think that makes more sense as it is about moving on and remembering good times.

Amongst other things I have also gone on the dodgems, visited a Huka bar and been to a games room. They have rooms here for everything! One such place is a place that you go to play board games. They have big squeaky hammers to hit the loser with and also a place where you drop a thin metal plate on the loser's head! Luckily our group did not enforce that tradition otherwise I may have been a bit concussed.

Ok so that is all I can remember for now and I will try to keep more up to date so as to avoid these quick, random posts. Love to all!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Gat Bawi and more!

So I have been quite bad with updating my blog this month, apologies!!! A lot of things have happened, its just a case of remembering them! This week has been fun packed! On Thursday I went to a traditional Korean market which was fun, but also a little bit terrifying at some points! There was loads of fish and fruit, me and my friend bought some strawberries which looked delicious but it turned out the layer underneath were not so delicious! The man did give us some free tomatoes though so I'll let him off a little bit! Then we unfortunately walked into the meat department where there were full pig heads that had been hollowed out (needless to say no pictures were taken at the market!) and we saw some livestock that would later be killed. At this point we had to turn back as it was a little bit upsetting. At one point I saw a bunny chained to a railing and thought it was really cute until my friend pointed out that it would be for their dinner later! I was less than impressed!

Friday was really rainy, but nonetheless we went to find a church and on the way we found a medicinal museum which was really cool! There was a survey that found out what type of body you were and what things are good for your type and bad for your type! I am 'Soyang' type, I would put the description in but it is not very flattering, however I have 'energy in my eyes' and am enthusiastic! I got told I can't have most of the things I like which is a bit sad and 'food that produces heat is harmful' to me, which is devastating for a hot drinks lover! I am not sure I am convinced by this analysis as my friend got told that Soju, the paint-stripper spirit' is good for her! I find it hard to believe that is good for anyone! 

Of course I needed a photo with a giant teapot

These are some of the statues outside the museum

Me crushing my own medicine

This was a puzzle you had to fit together!

I am so a hat person!
The structure at the end is a 'gate' into the medicine market

We did find the church in the end, however we weren't sure if we were allowed in and so we only spent a little time there.

This was a  mosaic of the church on a wall

Then we had a a night out on the Friday which was hilarious and we got to put our signature on drink in a bag!!!Its a little shop where they do cocktails in a bag that you can drink on the street! They are the strongest, sugary drinks because the guy just makes up the measurements and throw in loads of different alcohol!  The owner is really friendly and is starting to get to know us and so let us decorate a bag and pin it up as part of the decoration!

Saturday was a recovery day at bed bar and dinomeat (which I have already talked about). Then I went to see my friend from work's two bands (Never Going Home and Mr Headbutt) play  in town. They were excellent and if you can support them please do! 

Today, Sunday, was a big day trip out to Gat Bawi! This is a massive mountain that has these stone steps (that are a bit dangerous in some places) up to the top. There are 1500 steps so I have been told. About a third of the way up there was a temple that we stopped at and had some kim-bap! About half of the way up there is this vending stand that sells something called 'Oh-Dang' and corn on the cobs! On the way up there was a big pile of stone and I remember seeing them at Donghwa-sa as well, and apparently it is for good luck! If you knock the stones off then it is bad luck! Then when you get to the top there is a Buddha carved from the stone where people were bowing and praying. There was a place where you could light prayer candles in this metal container and there were mats there for people praying. There were a lot of people! Also people place coins and try and make them stick to the stone. On the way back down some of the Koreans were walking down backwards to work a different muscle on their legs which I thought was quite clever! The views at Gat Bawi were amazing!

Well that concludes the update for this week. I have more to report but it was previous to this week. Love to home!