Thursday 20 September 2012

Posts are like buses...

Yes, here is yet another post to make up for my lack of posts recently. So aaaggeeesss ago I went to Seoul to see  (drum roll) WICKED!!!! That's right how amazing!

The night before we stayed over and ended up going to a pub that was so much like being in England it was unbelievable! They had the English pub smell, carpet and I'm pretty sure they hired typically English people to sit in there for authenticity!
Me, Hannah and the witches!!!
The scary dragon!!!

There's no place like home!
Galinda- with a Ga!


Needless to say it was absolutely amazing - especially Defying Gravity!!! It was the Australian cast and they were epic!!! In a couple of weeks I'm going back to the Seoul to see Chicago with a Korean cast which will be great!!!!

The weekend after my Seoul trip I was off to Boryong to experience the Mud Festival!!!!It is such a strange concept- get a load of mud and people will come!!! And go we did! there were inflatables to run on, a place where people just painted each other, a place to get painted with colored mud, a jail where you could get mud thrown at you and a mud-wrestling pit! There was drinks free flowing and no personal boundaries! You get mus everywhere (places you don't even know you have), but luckily they do it right next to the beach so you can just go in the sea to wash off or the big swimming pool that is provided.

Painting each other

Mud wrestling!

I have also been experiencing some typically Korean activities, for example I went for acupuncture where they use suction cups and needles with an electric current! I thought I dealt with it quite well but it wasn't exactly relaxing but my back did feel a bit better after. When I got home I had six large red circles on my back where the suction cups had been- I looked like a number six on a die! I have also been to a K-POP (Korean pop) dance class to get some exercise! It was so funny, and yes before anyone asks we did dance to Gangnam style! This year has been one for the records as we have had the hottest day, coldest day and the other day had the biggest typhoon. I was expecting a terrifying few days with the typhoon but it turned out to be little more than a spot of rain and a gust of wind. I thought it was a bit of an over-reaction until I was told that the typhoon had luckily avoided Daegu -phew!

There has also been a couple of changes in the last few months. Hannah, one of my close friends has moved away from Daegu to a more rural area which is cool because I get to go visit her and hear some of the funny stories she has to tell, but I also miss our weekday coffees! Also two of my close friends Lauren and Rami have moved back to the US and so they are sorely missed!!!One thing that has stayed the same is that I have been going to my friend from work's (Devon's) gigs as he is in 3 bands which has resulted in some great nights out and brilliant music.

The other week there was an amazing body-painting festival where you could watch the models being painted before and then watch the cat-walk. Then on the night there were some great fireworks! Here is just some of the amazing body-painting:

There were so many I couldn't put them all on, but you can see how beautiful they were! There was even a Madagascar themed design but I unfortunately don't have a picture of it, but I imagine my nephew would have loved it!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed catching up with my recent goings-on :)! Love to England and all its inhabitants!!!!

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