Thursday 9 February 2012

Story time...

This is an old Korean folk tale that I heard the other day, enjoy...

A long time ago, in a far away land, there lived a lazy little boy and his family. The mother scolded the little boy because he was lazy and didn't keep himself clean, so the boy had to start clipping his toenails. When he was finished he didn't clean up the nail clippings, and he was angry at being scolded by his mother so he ran away. Then a little mouse came across the clipping and ate one. The little boy was cold and hungry and so he tried to return home, but when he got there, there was already a litle boy who looked just like him. The mouse had turned into the child's doppelganger and had taken the child's place in the family. The lazy little boy had no place to go. 

Moral: don't be lazy!

The End

Well I hope you enjoyed that little tale, I know I did -crazy! There is also a superstition that if you fall asleep with a fan on in the room you will die because the fan will blow all the air in the room away! So companies actually make fans with a feature of turning off aftr an hour so when you fall asleep the fan will turn off and you won't die!

That's all I got for now, hope you enjoyed and you are all well!

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