Wednesday 29 February 2012

Trick art!

OK, so at the weekend I went to a trick art exhibit at EXCO Museum, it was so funny! I have asked people if I can use some of the photos that they are in and they have been nice enough to let me. I can't explain the idea better than these pictures can:

There were loads more photos, in fact my friend took 400 pictures! So, if you want to see any more just look on facebook.Also me and my friend got asked to have a photo with some Korean girls! This whole exhibit of weird and funny things to take pictures of, and they decide that we are weird and more funny-looking than any of it and want a photo with us!

It was for one of my friend's birthdays and then we went on the night. Unfortunately I then had to head home early with a cold and wasn't well from then until recently. Now I only have a bit of a sore throat. So the rest of the week has been playing games at school because it's been my last classes of the old term! Today I have a day off and tomorrow the new term starts!!!Exciting! At school we have also started doing face-to-face interviews for new students (before we did pone interviews), I really liked them; the kids try harder, you can smile at them to make them feel more comfortable and you can tell if they understand the question or not. 

Whenever I go on the subway by myself there is always a little something different, this time it is an old woman getting me to sit next to her and then sorting my hair out for me. Old people here can be bossy and you do what they say otherwise they just keep going, that being said they are always doing it to be nice and to take care of you which is sweet! There is a lovely sense of community here and it comes across most in the older generation. 

Last funny thing that happened to me was in the taxi ride home on Saturday. Everyone here seems to be able to speak at least a few words in English and the taxi drivers always seem keen to use it whenever a foreigner gets in. This time the guy kept telling me I had beautiful eyes (I think because they are blue and it isn't very common here) and then asked me how old I was. I told him 22 (23 Korean) and he was over the moon because he had a son who is 22 and being a similar age seemed to label us soul mates!!!He said 'you boyfriend', I said 'yes' and he was devastated because he thought he had made a match there. Then at the end of the journey gave me a handshake and asked for a kiss!!!I laughed and said 'no, boyfriend!' If this happened in England it would have been terrifying, but in Korea it is harmless and hilarious! 

Well in the words of Porky Pig, 'that's all folks'!

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