Sunday 22 January 2012


So yesterday was my first day out in down town!It was amazing!I got the subway on my own (with the help of a lovely korean mother and little girl), then I met up with a really cool group of English/American people. Us girls split off from the boys and went girly shopping, then for a lovely meal and then we got our nails done - YEY!!!We went for a coffee and in the window there are swinging seats that you can sit on and watch people go by(speaking of people watching I saw loads of couples who were wearing matching outfits, apparently that is a big thing in korea and the matching goes all the way down to underwear!)!!!Brilliant idea and if my bezzie comes out to visit we would  probs sit there all day and people watch! Later we met back up with the boys and had some drinks and played beer pong (needless to say as it is a game of aim , I was terrible!)! We drank at a bar called Thursday party (not sure why days of the week are followed by party, but I like it!) where loads of foreigners go and so that was great!At the end of the night I got a taxi home and because I was an English speaker the taxi driver called his son who is studying in Canada, so I was just on the phone to some randomer lol!Also taxi-drivers have TVs in their cars and watch them as they are driving round!So that was my first trip to down town, it was awesome!

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