Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tuesday Party!

Hello again! So I have taught three days now, some classes are great and  others are really quiet;  when they are quiet it is really hard and drags the lesson. I am hoping once I am teaching properly they will talk a bit more; at the moment I have just been doing introductory classes. Tomorrow will be the first time I teach an actual lesson because I have already done the introductory lesson with this class. So I have eaten out every night for tea because if you go to the right places it can cost the same or even less than eating in. Last night I went to 'Tuesday Party', which is something the foreign teachers from my school do every week. We went out to a meal but not somewhere you would go every night.It is a BBQ pork (or should I say prok (a little in-joke)) where you barbeque your own food where you sit. There is a bucket with a coal fire in it and then a metal grill gets placed over the top with a pipe coming from the ceiling to suck up the smoke. It was delicious. We had beer and water to drink and I was introduce to the wonder that is so-ju. So-ju is a cheap chemical vodka drink and throughout the night we took shots at intervals. We then headed to a bar where they had a doorbell at every table and when you pressed it a waitress came over. Later we went to a place that translates into English as 'the singing room'; this isn't like kareoke as you know it. You and your friends get a room to yourselves and there is a remote control to select a song from this massive book that has everything from Disney to Rage Against the Machine. Today I went for my medical test and when Little  Mister Lee (named so as there is also a taller Mr Lee) went to get his car from the car park I was amazed at how futuristic the car park was. You drive on to the grate and the grate moves the car into a space like tetris, you just put it in and the grate takes it away!!!!I have fallen in love with a food called kim-bap; it is the rice (with whatever you want) wrapped in seaweed -it is AMAZING! Another amazing thing I have found a tea I like that is not English Breakfast - it is brown rice green tea!!!!Crazy Times!

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