Sunday 15 January 2012

My first day in Korea

So yesterday (Sunday) was my first day, I got up pretty late as I had been travelling for around 22 hours. Then just read through some information San gave me. He teaches a my school too and is the head of the foreign teachers. I then e-mailed, blogged and facebooked to tell everyone I was here safe. Me and my nieghbour then went for a walk around the block and he told me some funny Korean stuff like the reason there is so much beeping when you drive in Korea is because they don't just beep to express anger but sometimes will beep to congratulate another driver on a hard transition from one lane to the next! Also, you know how we have like teenage chavs hanging round drinking in the park...well retired Koreans take their bottles of alcohol and go drinking down the park instead (however they do not tuck their trackies into their socks) lol!The rest of the day I was skyping; haven't been out a lot yet but I am teaching today so I should be meeting more foreigners to socialise with. I'll be writing up how my first day teaching went when I get in tonight or tomorrow morning. Bye for now :)!

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