Saturday 14 January 2012

I am here!!!!!

Well!!!!I got here safe - yey! Firstly I set off Friday the 13th (oo spooky) at half 6 in the morning with my lovely mum in the car. Got to the airport and had a breaky and met lovely boyfriend and his mum (omg the first meeting of the mums and without fail there was a rush to pay the bill lol). When it came to the checking in I needed to take one or two things out which resulted in me (a 22 year old) walking through the airport with her teddy in in her arms (no man gets left behind!)! After a very difficult goodbye I got talking to a couple and then again to a family. The flight -OMG!If you get to fly with Emirates do it!!!Everything is complimentary - magazines, newspapers, lovely 3 course meal, drink (yes that's right - I indulged in a red wine hehe)! There were soo many movies and TV shows to watch - loved the journey!I met a woman on the plane who was doing an exhibition in Dubai and later met an American girl who unfortunately didn't get her luggage back when we got to Daegu :(. Oh and I woke up with a sticker on me saying we could not serve you as you were resting, and walked quite far before noticing lol! Anyway, 3 flights later here I am! I looked a mess last night and not only did I have to have a picture taken of me after my journey by the airport (how cruel) I met four new people - what a good impression lol!I got a lift with my agent to my flat, got shown around and the taken to do a bit of grossary shopping. Came back, unpacked and fell asleep watching Pirates of the Caribbean!There you go a summary of my journey!

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